* * 1066.net's 35,000 images and 5000+ pages created and curated over 20 years remain open and largely unchanged as a tribute to its webmaster Ion Castro, who passed away Aug 30th 2018 from cancer. Linking to content is fine but PLEASE get permission if you want to re use anything from here, and thank you. * Ion's obituaries are (Link:) Here
Hastings' Alexandra Park

Alexandra Park

Alexandra Park

Alexandra Park

Pictures from the Re-opening in 2004

The Opening of Alexandra Park
in 1882
The re-opening of Alexandra Park in 2004
Alexandra Park in the snow
"The Greenhouse"
Click for Guest Book

Opening Hastings' Alexandra Park in 2004- Charlie Dimmock
TV personality gardener Charlie Dimmock opens the newly refurbishe Alexandra Park

The re-opening of Alexandra Park in 2004 - Charlie Dimmock
Charlie Dimmock signs autographs for admirers at the reopening of Hastings' Alexandra Park
The re-opening of Alexandra Park in 2004
The re-opening of Alexandra Park in 2004
Mayor Phil Scott helps Charlie Dimmock plant a tree at the re-opening of Hastings' Alexandra Park
The re-opening of Alexandra Park in 2004 - Charile Dimmock
Charlie Dimmock with Hastings Mayor Phil Scott
The re-opening of Alexandra Park in 2004 - Charlie Dimmock
Charlie Dimmock with webmaster Ion Castro
The re-opening of Alexandra Park in 2004

The re-opening of Alexandra Park in 2004

Some of the crowd at the re-opening of Hastings' Alexandra Park - April 4th 2004

More info? -www.1066.net/alexandra-park

Post-card's home pageClick for Historic Hastings Guest Book

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www.1066.net - Hastings' favourite web site is sponsored by XL(2000)Ltd
Photos copyright (c) Ion Castro 2014

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