* * 1066.net's 35,000 images and 5000+ pages created and curated over 20 years remain open and largely unchanged as a tribute to its webmaster Ion Castro, who passed away Aug 30th 2018 from cancer. Linking to content is fine but PLEASE get permission if you want to re use anything from here, and thank you. * Ion's obituaries are (Link:) Here
Hastings' Alexandra Park

Alexandra Park

Alexandra Park

Alexandra Park

Alexandra Park in the Snow

The Opening of Alexandra Park
in 1882
The re-opening of Alexandra Park in 2004
Alexandra Park in the snow
"The Greenhouse"
Click for Guest Book

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow6th Jan 2010 Hastings' Alexandra Park - looking south,

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
6th Jan 2010 Hastings' Alexandra Park - looking south,

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
10th Jan 2010, the War Memorial in Hastings' Alexandra Park

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
10th Jan 2010, Alexandra Park with Lower Park Road in the background

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow

10th Jan 2010, The Main Entrance to Hastings' Alexandra Park with Hastings' War Memorial in the centre distance

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
Feb 11th 2010, Lower Park Road with Thorpe's Wood on the left and the park on the right

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
Feb 11th 2010, Lower Park Road with Thorpe's Wood on the right and Alexandra Park on the left

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
11th Feb 2010, the boating lake in Alexandra Park and West Hill in the distance

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
3rd December 2010, The Bandstand in Hastings' Alexandra Park

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
3rd December 2010 Lamp top in Lower Park Road

Hastings' Alexandra park in the Snow
11th Feb 2010, The Bandstand and the Cafe in the Park


More info? -www.1066.net/alexandra-park

Post-card's home pageClick for Historic Hastings Guest Book

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www.1066.net - Hastings' favourite web site is sponsored by XL(2000)Ltd
Photos copyright (c) Ion Castro 2014

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