Saturday 3rd August 2013
10am to 5pm
Old Town Hall Museum Exhibition
Finds from St Helens Church, 
10.30am to 4pm
Opening of exhibitions at Hastings History
House, 21 Courthouse Street.
Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve a display
by Friends of Hastings Country Park and “Some Old
Town Twittens” featuring photos by Alan Harding
and OHPS. Hastings Area Archaeological Research
Group ‘Archaeological
Evidence for land use in
Hastings Country Park’ 
Tug-o-War Outside Lifeboat Station,
The Stade.
Inter Pub tug of war
with Ladies and Men’s teams.
Entries close and money to be
paid by 17th July.
All enquiries
to Claire Harley 07967 964460
10.30am to 6pm
Open Studio
Liz Finch and Jo Redpath
Oak Passage, off High Street or
the Light Steps, George Street
From 11.00am
Judging the Best Dressed
Window in All Saints Street
This year’s theme “Wonders of
the Deep”. The Winners
Certificates will be presented on
Sunday 4th at the Coronation
Ceremony of the Hastings Old
Town Carnival Queen at
approximately 2.30pm at Winkle
11.00am to 1pm
Coffee Morning in Open Garden
110 The Bourne (entrance between 139 & 140
All Saints Street)
Come and relax and enjoy coffee, cakes & biscuits
in a hidden Old Town garden – relax. Courtesy of
John and Mary Allaway. Donations to OHPS.
11.00am to 5.00pm
Fun in Courthouse Street
A day of entertainment in Courthouse Street
including the usual Fun & Frolics for children andadults alike, with sideshows, a raffle and other fun.
Come and get your Courthouse Passport and a
chance to win fifty golden coins followed by
entertainment on the stage at Reeves Corner until
6.15pm when the Old Town Criers Competition
11.00am to 5pm
Have a go on the Potters Wheel
At Old Hastings Pottery, 3 Courthouse Street
12 noon approx
Opening the “George Woods
photographs” exhibition at Hastings
Fishermen’s Museum.
George Woods photographed Hastings in the
1890s and we are grateful to Hastings Museum and
Art Gallery for allowing us to exhibit this unique
collection of images of our fishing industry.
Entrance free, donations to Fishermen’s Museum
welcome. Wheelchair accessible. 
1pm – 9pm
RNLI Free Beach Concert
On the Stade adjacent to the Lifeboat House.
Collection on behalf of the RNLI.
Saturday 3rd August 1pm-9pm

More tomorrow
The beach concert is a free event and there is a bar
on site, so the audience are encouraged not to bring
their own alcohol. Due to insurance restrictions,
barbeques are banned.
Thanks to you all – donations gratefully received.
This will be the 25th year of Beach Concert so we
are all ready to party!
2pm to 4pm
Summer Fete
Old Hastings House, 132 High Street
Various stalls including bottle stall and tombola,
raffle and entertainment.
Donations welcome to Magdalen and Lasher
Charity. Wheelchair accessible.
Donation to OHPS.
Foyles Walk Meet at Shipwreck Museum. 
Old Town Walk From the top of the West Hill Lift. 
3pm to 4.30pm
Stade Guided Walk
Meet at Lifeboat House. 
3pm approx.
In Courthouse Street Juliette Dodd will be demonstrating a live pastel
Portrait of the Carnival Queen ( inside the History
House if wet) The finished picture will be presented
to her after the official crowning ceremony on Sunday.
Hidden Hastings Revealed Walk
Meet at Chessboard, Butlers Gaps, George Street. 
Twittens and Cat Creeps Walk –
Meet at Shipwreck Museum. 
Mass at St Mary Star of the Sea
Father Seamus and the congregation welcome you
to Mass in the beautiful St Mary Star of the Sea
Church, High Street.
Old Town Criers’ Competition
On the stage at Reeves Corner in High Street
The Annual Old Town Criers’ Competition. Come
and watch or have a go yourself and try
to beat our reigning champion. Men and Ladies
Competitions with prizes. Just turn up.
Free bottle of wine for every entrant. Winner heads
the Carnival Procession.
A High Street Traders event
Pirates and Wreckers Walk
Meet at St Clements Church Steps 
Twilight Smugglers Walk
Meet at Shipwreck Museum, Rock a Nore. 
Electric Palace
High Street
Last Shop Standing PLUS Snodgrass (short film)
8.30 pm
After Dark Ghost Walk
Meet St Clements Church Steps. 
Sunday 4th August 2013
Church Services
Rev Robert Featherstone and congregation
welcome you to join them in the newly
refurbished historic St Clements Church.
Wheelchair access from west door.
Holy Communion (BCP)
Celebration Eucharist (CW)
10am and 11.30am
Mass at St Mary Star of the Sea
Father Seamus and the congregation welcome
you to Mass in the beautiful St Mary Star of the
Sea Church.
10am to 1pm
Boot Sale, Stables Theatre Car Park£5 a pitch to book contact
Anne Edwards 01424 719799.
10.30am to 6pm
Open Studio
Liz Finch and Jo Redpath
Oak Passage, off High Street or the Light Steps
George Street.
Hidden Hastings Revealed Walk
Meet at Chessboard, Butlers Gaps, George Street. 
11am to 4pm
Exhibitions at Hastings History House, 21
Courthouse Street.
Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve a display
by Friends of Hastings Country Park and “Some Old
Town Twittens” featuring photos by Alan Harding
and OHPS. Hastings Area Archaeological Research
Group ‘Archaeological Evidence for land use in
Hastings Country Park’.
11am to 4pm
All Saints Arts and Crafts Fair – Recycled by
Celebrating the best of local arts and crafts. Free
entry so come along to All Saints Hall, All Saints
Street, for beautiful makes and tasty cakes and
support our local creative scene.
11am to 4pm
Open Working Studio
39a Tackleway Paintings, prints and 3D by Roland
11.00am to 1pm
Coffee Morning in Open Garden 110 The Bourne (entrance between 139 & 140 All
Saints Street)
Come and relax and enjoy coffee, cakes & biscuits
in a hidden Old Town garden – relax. Courtesy of
John and Mary Allaway. Donations to OHPS.
11.00am to 5.00pm
Lifeboat Penny Lane
Courthouse Street.
Courthouse Street becomes “Penny Lane” for the
day, raising funds for Hastings Lifeboat. Non-stop
entertainment, life music, games, children’s fun, raffle,
tombola, and much, much, more including a visit
from Hastings Old Town Carnival Queen accompanied
by her gorgeous princesses. A PICS event.
11.00am to 5pm
Have a go on the Potters Wheel
At Old Hastings Pottery, 3 Courthouse Street.
12noon to 2pm
Hastings Net Shops Museum
The Hastings net shops have recently been
upgraded to grade II* listed buildings because of
their architectural uniqueness. Since the 1980s,
local historian Steve Peak has played a leading role
in saving them, and he owns one, dating from
1835, which he preserves as a museum. Inside is a large collection of original fishing and marine
artefacts, many dating from pre-World War Two.
The museum is not open very often, but today you
can come inside and catch a glimpse of life in the
days of sail. Admission free.
12noon to 5pm
Finds from St Helens Church, Old Town Hall Museum. 
1pm – 7pm
RNLI Free Beach Concert
On the Stade adjacent to the Lifeboat House.
Collection on behalf of the RNLI.
Sunday 4th August 1pm-7pm

The beach concert is a free event and there is a bar
on site, so the audience are encouraged not to
bring their own alcohol. Due to insurance
restrictions, barbeques are banned.
Thanks to you all – donations gratefully received.
This will be the 25th year of Beach Concert so we
are all ready to party!
Iceni Belly Dancers
Display of scintillating Eastern Dance on Winkle
Hasting Coastal Twirlers display on Stade Open Space.
2pm to 4.30pm
Lower Torfield Allotments Open Day
Lower Torfield, bottom of Old London Road.
Open day, entry by donation to OHPS. Raffle, Picnic
Areas, BBQ, home-made wine [on donation], Come
and see the award winning site. Bring your own
picnic if desired. Not suitable for wheelchairs.
Crowning of Old Town Carnival Queen on
Winkle Island
followed by presentation of awards for Best Dressed
Window in All Saints Street.
Coronation Procession around Hastings Old
Follow the procession from Winkle Island along the
seafront to the roundabout, back up High Street
and down All Saints Street to the Stade Open
Space. Procession to be headed by the Mayor of
Hastings , Cllr Alan Roberts, our Member of
Parliament, Amber Rudd and other local dignitaries,
who will be accompanied by the Iceni Belly Dancers,
Hastings Coastal Twirlers and supported by several
bands and drummers.
Stade Guided Walk
Meet at Lifeboat House.
Pirates and Wreckers Walk-
Meet St Clements Steps.
4.00pm approximately
Iceni Belly Dancers
A final display on Stade Open Space and Hastings
Coastal Twirlers give a final display on Stade Open
The Hastings Horror Walk
Meet St Clements Church Steps 
Electric Palace
High Street
Beyond the Hills
www.electricpalacecinema.com |
Monday 5th August 2013
10.30am to 12 noon
Wendy Cameron Dance Show with stalls
Crypt, St Mary Star of the Sea Church
Lovely dance show by children of Wendy Cameron
School of Dance at 11am. Various stalls and nearly
new clothes raffle organised by the Community
Club. £1 entry to include show, stalls, tea/coffee and
biscuits. Proceeds to St Mary Star of the Sea Church
and Two Towers Trust. Donation to OHPS.
Wheelchair accessible.
Stade Guided Walk
Meet at Lifeboat House 
11am to 4pm
Exhibitions at Hastings History House, 21
Courthouse Street.
Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve a display
by Friends of Hastings Country Park and “Some Old
Town Twittens” featuring photos by Alan Harding
and OHPS. Hastings Area Archaeological Research
Group ‘Archaeological Evidence for land use in
Hastings Country Park’ 
11am to 4pm
Open Working Studio
39a Tackleway. Paintings, prints and 3D by Roland
11.00am to 5pm
Have a go on the Potters Wheel
At Old Hastings Pottery, 3 Courthouse Street
11.00am to 5.00pm
Courthouse Street Fun Day
Another spectacular day of free Family Fun with
non-stop entertainment throughout the day
including live music, barbecue, side shows, stalls
and much, much more. A High Street Trader’s event.
Dandies and Dragoons Walk
Meet Hastings History House,
Courthouse Street 
2pm to 3pm
Hastings Old Town Health Walk
Meet opposite the Jenny Lind, High Street
A walk through the Old Town. 
2pm to 3.30pm
Open Garden Owlers Cottage, 104B High Street
Secluded and romantic walled garden in Old Town
twitten. Includes sunken rose garden and quirky
wind sculpture. Small table and plant sale. Courtesy
of Clive Richardson. Entry £1. Donation to OHPS.
Closed if wet due to slippery steps.
2pm onwards
Cream Teas and High C’s
At St Clements Church – Cream teas with a musical
twist, Opera South East will perform songs from
their Repertoire at 3pm. In aid of the Two Towers
Trust, fundraising to maintain our two Mediaeval
The Great Whelk Eating Competition.
Courthouse Street
The 2nd Annual Competition for the title of “Hastings Champion Whelk Eater”. Give a fiver
donation to Hastings Lifeboat and try your luck at
beating the reigning champion’s time for eating a
pint of fresh Hastings Whelks. Winner receives an
engraved cup and crown to be held for one year.
Sponsored by White’s Seafood & Steak Bar
“Knickers for dusters” – the true story of an
austerity household in 1947.
A talk by Victoria Seymour at Hastings History
House, 21 Courthouse Street. Tickets £2.50
refreshments available.
6pm to 7pm
Talk Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture
With Mrs Ke Xia Xu at 8 Sturdee Place. Free talk but
donations welcome.
Seaboot Race
Courthouse Street
In memory of Peter Trickett, an Old Towner who
died in 2002. Fastest runner wearing seaboots along
the length of Courthouse Street, round a lobster
pot, and back. Timed certificates presented to all
entrants. The winner is presented with Peter
Trickett’s walking stick, to be held for one year.
Sponsored by John Bray Estate Agents and
White’s Seafood and Steak House. Another High
Street Trader’s event. |
From 6.30 pm
Old Town Treasure Trail Register at Winkle Island by 6.30pm finish at the
Lord Nelson
Fancy dress a must! Teams race round the Old Town
with collecting boxes to find
answers to questions, which are all in pubs, of
course! Why not take part in a
tradition of Old Town Carnival Week – all great fun!
Prizes for all! Raising funds for MacMillan Nurses.
Concert On the 1878 Father Willis organ by Daniel Moult
from London in All Saints Church. (Assisted
wheelchair access from Tackleway via side door).
Tickets: £8 at the door.
8.00pm approximately
Grand Charity Auction (follows Seaboot Race)
Reeves Corner, High Street
Grand Auction of gifts donated by Old Town
Traders. All sold without reserve so you are sure of a
bargain. Auctioneer: Ian Porter. Raising Funds for
Local Good Causes. Another High Street Trader’s
After Dark Ghost Walk
Meet at St Clements Church steps opposite Swan
Gardens, High Street. 
Tuesday 6th August 2013
10am to 5pm
Of finds from St Helens Church, Old Town Hall
Museum, High Street. 
10 am to12 noon
Coffee morning and Open Garden
Garden Cottage, Croft Road
Coffee and Cakes in a lovely garden, art cards also
for sale. Courtesy of Ann Novotny
Entrance fee £3. Donations to MS Society and
10.30 am
Walk with John Shirlaw “Exploring the Architecture of All Saints Street starts with an introduction in Hastings History
House, 21 Courthouse Street. 
Stade Guided Walk
Meet at Lifeboat Station. 
11am to 4pm
Exhibitions at Hastings History House, 21
Courthouse Street.
Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve a display
by Friends of Hastings Country Park and “Some Old
Town Twittens” featuring photos by Alan Harding
and OHPS. Hastings Area Archaeological Research
Group ‘Archaeological Evidence for land use in
Hastings Country Park’. 
11am to 4pm
Open Working Studio
39a Tackleway. Paintings, prints and 3D by Roland
11.00 to 5pm
Have a go on the Potters Wheel
At Old Hastings Pottery, 3 Courthouse Street.
12noon to 2.30pm
Hot and Cold Buffet Lunch
Organised by 2nd Hastings Rainbows.
All Saints Church Hall, All Saints Street.
Hot and cold buffet lunch with a choice of either
meat, cheese or quiche served with a selection of
about 15 different home-made salads, and a choice
of a roll/bread or potatoes, inlcuding tea/coffee or a
soft drink £4.25. Desserts are also available.
Wheelchair accessible.
Twittens and Cat Creeps Walk
Meet at the Shipwreck Museum, Rock-aNore-Road 
2 to 5pm
Open Garden 64 Croft Road. A rare chance to visit a secret
garden, hidden behind a high brick wall. It is a
hillside garden on several levels that has been
developed over the past 15 years by the owner who
is the Gardens Editor for Country Living magazine
as well as blogging as The Enduring Gardener. Lots
of steps. No dogs please. Entrance £1 for Thrive
[Thrive is a national charity working to help people
living with disability or mental ill health transform
their lives through gardening.]
Combine your visit with another hidden garden at
106 High Street (entrance from Salters Lane) where
they will be serving organic cream teas – see below.
2.30 to 5pm
Organic Cream Tea
106 High Street, (entrance from Salters Lane)
A delicious cream tea in the beautiful walled garden
of the historic former Old Town Rectory. Courtesy of
Craig and Jo Sams. Entrance price includes scone,
jam, cream, unlimited tea and coffee (extra scones
50p). Raffle tickets available for sensational prizes
donated by the beauty industry! All proceeds to
Thrive with a donation to OHPS, Combine this with
a rare opportunity to Visit the Secret Garden at 64
Croft Road see above
Original Old Hastings Preservation Society
Old Town Walk
Meet at 2.30pm at the top station of West Hill Lift .
3.30 pm
Foyles Walk
Meet at the Shipwreck Museum, Rock-a-Nore Road. 
Illustrated talk
Hastings History House, 21 Courthouse Street“A History of Ore” with Christine Hayward,
Tickets £2.50 refreshments available.
5.30pm to dusk
Bike Race - for the Jimmy Read Memorial
Crown Lane
Pedal power alone! All welcome, just turn up and
pay a donation to the starter. The Bike Race has no
organisers. The timekeepers, flagman and all other
helpers turn up year after year to make the event
happen. It is not advisable to bring dogs to this
event and young children should be under the
supervision of adults.Tush and Pat’s famous
Fishermen’s Rolls available at the Bike Race. Please
give generously to the “bucket rattlers” collecting
for local charities and good causes.
Blessing of the Animals
All Saints Church
All creatures great and small welcome for a blessing.
This is an opportunity for you to bring your pets for
a service of thanksgiving but please make sure they
are kept secure at all times. Assisted wheelchair
access from Tackleway.
Said Eucharist (CW) All Saints Church.
8pm – 10.30pm still TBC
“The Sixties” - Charity Pub Quiz
Cinque Ports Arms, All Saints Street
This year “The Sixties” (yes, change of title this year)– all questions will be about the 1960s and quizzers
are encouraged to wear 60s gear! This is a popular
event so participants are encouraged to arrive early.
£2 per person entry.
8.00 pm
The Hastings Horror Walk
Meet St Clements Church Steps. 
Wednesday 7th August 2013
10am to 5pm
Of finds from St Helens Church, Old Town Hall
Museum, High Street. 
11am to 4pm
Exhibitions at Hastings History House, 21
Courthouse Street.
Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve a display
by Friends of Hastings Country Park and “Some Old
Town Twittens” featuring photos by Alan Harding
and OHPS. Hastings Area Archaeological Research
Group ‘Archaeological Evidence for land use in
Hastings Country Park’. 
11am to 4 pm
Brewery Tour
Old Town Brewery Torfield Cottage, 8 Old
London Road.
Tours will take place half-hourly from 11 am.
We invite you to come and sample the real ales and
have a look at the brewery, re-located from the First
In Last Out pub in the High Street.
Donations for the Seaview charity.
11am to 1pm
Coffee Morning
Hastings History House, 21 Courthouse Street.
Come and enjoy a coffee and browse our
exhibitions and some of our archive material.
11am to 5pm
Have a go on the Potters Wheel
At Hastings Pottery, 3 Courthouse Street.
12 noon to 2 pm
Ploughman’s Lunch
Crypt, St Mary Star of the Sea.
Ploughman’s Lunch, desserts, tea/coffee.£5. Raffle.
Proceeds to St Mary Star of the Sea, Donation to
OHPS. Wheelchair accessible.
1 to 1.30pm
Lunchtime Organ Recital
In St Clements Church. Organist Fr. Robert
Featherstone SSC, Parish Priest.
Retiring collection in aid of the Organ Fund,
All Saints Organ.
2 pm – 5 pm
Open Garden Elm Lodge, 60 Old London Road.
Open Garden courtesy of Gwen and Michael
Blandy. Two acres of winding paths
leading to a wooded area ascending the West Hill
with views to the East Hill. Lawned area with
herbaceous border and pond, containing koi carp
and golden orfe. This is a garden still being
developed. Entrance £1, children free. Pimms or
juice £1 donation. Some garden seats available.
Not accessible for wheelchairs.
2pm to 4pm
Open Garden Owlers Cottage, 104B High Street.
Secluded and romantic walled garden in Old Town
twitten. Includes sunken rose garden and quirky
wind sculpture. Small table and plant sale. Courtesy
of Clive Richardson. Entry £1. Donation to OHPS.
Closed if wet due to slippery steps.
Dandies and Dragoons Walk
Meet at Hastings History House 
Hastings History House, 21 Courthouse Street.“Twittens and Cat Creeps” an illustrated talk by
Clive Richardson to tie in with one of our
Do the talk and the walk walk times. Tickets £2 .50 refreshments available. 
6pm onwards
Putting Knockout at the Miniature Golf
Course on Marine Parade.
A family event open to all with trophies and prizes
for the lowest round men and women
plus junior cup for boys and girls. Organised by
Hastings Winkle Club. Entrance fee set
by Stade Miniature Golf at a reduced rate for
competitors. Proceeds to local good causes.
With thanks to David and Marion Hartley for
continuing to support the club with this event.
7pm for 7.30pm to 8 pm start
Pram Race
Register at The Cutter Pub, on the seafront opposite
the boating lake, by 6pm on Tuesday 6th August
Get your team together for a great night (with
decorated pram, of course!) that’s often described
as one of the best in Old Town Week!
Lots of money is raised for local charities by the
teams who enter in this pub crawl. Each team has
their own theme and they decorate their pram and
teams accordingly. Due to the ever increasing size of
this event, all teams must now be entered by 6pm
on Tuesday 6th August at The Cutter Pub. To be
considered for judging, teams must arrive by 7pm,
with the start time of the race to be between 7.30-
8pm. This is a strictly over 18’s event. Any questions
please call 01424-272099. Proceeds to
H.O.T.Carnival Association.
Entry forms here |
Some roads in the Old Town will be closed for the Pram Race and Carnival Procession more >>
Electric Palace Cinema, High Street
Details from www.electricpalacecinema.com
8.30 pm
After Dark Ghost Walk
Meet at St Clements Church steps opposite Swan
High Street. 
Thursday 8th August 2013
10am to 5pm
Of finds from St Helens Church, Old Town Hall
Museum, High Street 
Outside the Wall Walk
Meet at History House 
10.30 am to 4.30 pm
Open Garden 8 High Street. An extraordinary and award winning
Old Town garden featuring tropical and exotic
plants with feature fountain and gazebo. Plenty of
seating to enjoy a fabulous view with tea and home
made cakes. Courtesy of Mags Ivatts. Entry charge
is £4 including tea and home-made cakes, in
support of Hastings Bonfire Society and donation to
Electric Palace
High Street
The Spirit of 45
11am to 4pm
Exhibitions at Hastings History House, 21
Courthouse Street.
Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve a display
by Friends of Hastings Country Park and “Some Old
Town Twittens” featuring photos by Alan Harding
and OHPS. Hastings Area Archaeological Research
Group ‘Archaeological Evidence for land use in
Hastings Country Park’.
11am to 5pm
Have a go on the Potters Wheel at Old Hastings
Pottery, 3 Courthouse Street.
12 noon to 2.30pm
Ploughman’s Lunch By All Saints’ Monday Wives in All Saints Hall.
Ploughman’s lunch, sweet, coffee/tea/juice £5
Children £2. Wheelchair accessible.
St Clements Church Sung Eucharist
2 pm to 5pm
Open Garden At Strawberry Cottage 36 Tackleway.
Visit this beautiful secluded garden courtesy of Don
Brant. Entry £1 for OHPS.
Not accessible for wheelchairs as 3 steps down into
the garden.
Original Old Hastings Preservation Society
Old Town Walk Meet at 2.30pm at the top station of West Hill Lift. 
Twilight Smugglers Walk Meet at Shipwreck Museum 
6.30 pm
Sound Waves Community Choir
Butler’s Gap, George Street. Come and listen to The
Sound Waves Community Choir singing Rock &Pop,
Gospel & Shanties Butler’s Gap in George Street
from 6.30 pm. Donations to OHPS.
7.00pm to 11.00pm
High Street Traders Street Party
High Street Traders Street Party
High Street & Brewery Yard
All the fun of the Fair and more!!! It all happens at
the High Street Trader’s Street Party with continuous
free entertainment, live bands, children’s rides,
bouncy castle, food court, ethnic food, traditional
British Barbecue, etc. and a gigantic Street Market.
A High Street Trader’s event raising funds for Local
Good Causes. TTA Street Dance Group performing
in Roebuck Street, led by Tom Roache.
To book a stall at the Street Market
Call Harris
Woodcock on 07808 093753. |
8.00 pm
Electric Palace
High Street
I love this town by Glenn Veness
8.30 pm
The Hastings Horror Walk
Meet St Clements Church Steps. 
9.30 pm
Electric Palace
High Street
I love this town by Glenn Veness
Friday 9th August 2013
10am to 4pm
Local Market on the Stade
Food and crafts pic right of market
10am to 5pm
Of finds from St Helens Church, Old Town Hall
Museum, High Street. 
10.30am to 11.30am
(today and every
Hastings Old Town Country Market – all homemade
All Saints Church Hall, All Saints Street.
No entrance fee. Coffee and cake served at 50p
each. Home-made jams, marmalade, pickles, cakes,
savouries, and curries for sale.
Also plants, flowers and vegetables. Wheelchair
From 11am
Activities, Entertainment, Music and much
more for Children in Butlers Gap.
In memory of Norman Race ‘It will be a stormin
good day’.
There will be a small charge in aid of Charity for Kids.
Watch out for posters with all the exciting details.
11am, 12 noon and 1pm.
Stables Theatre and Arts Centre Guided Tour
The Bourne.
Tours of the building including (where possible)
backstage. The theatre building dates back to 1746
and has been a theatre since 1959 – come and hear
how it all began. Donations to OHPS. Enquiries: box
office 01424-423221.
11am to 1pm
Children’s Art Trail and Drawing Workshop
Jerwood Gallery, Rock a Nore Road.
Come to the Jerwood Gallery to complete an Art
Trail around the Gallery. The Trail is suitable for
children between the ages of 5-11 years. Normal
entrance fees will apply. Details from Jerwood
Wheelchair accessible.
11am to 4pm
Exhibitions at Hastings History House, 21
Courthouse Street
Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve a display
by Friends of Hastings Country Park and “Some Old
Town Twittens” featuring photos by Alan Harding
and OHPS. Hastings Area Archaeological Research
Group ‘Archaeological Evidence for land use in
Hastings Country Park’. 
11am to 5pm
Have a go on the Potters Wheel
Old Hastings Pottery, 3 Courthouse Street.
11.30am (and 3 pm)
“Punch and Judy at Home”
Half Sovereign Cottage by the Fishermen’s
Museum, Rock-a-Nore Road
- A real, live Punch & Judy show! No marionettes,
no puppets, but PEOPLE.
Collection for Fishermen’s Museum and OHPS.
12 noon to 2.30pm
Cheese and Wine Lunch
Hastings History House, 21 Courthouse Street.
Local cheeses from Penbuckles. Great value at £5.
Organised by the Old Hastings Preservation Society.
Join us and find out what goes on at our HQ.
Get your raffle tickets for our fundraising draw with
Cash and other prizes to win. The draw is on Sat
10th at 4pm.
Lunchtime Concert
All Saints Church, All Saints Street.
Spend a peaceful lunchtime in this beautiful church
enjoying songs by some of the world’s greatest
composers performed by Linda Grace (mezzosoprano)
in aid of church funds. Free admission,
retiring collection.
1pm to 4pm
Workshop Enchantment Under the Sea
in St Clements Church by Radiator Arts
Mermaid Tail workshops, Barbie Doll mermaid
workshops, Mermaid head dress workshops,
Make your own Trident, & Jelly Fishes. Make your own Mermaid & Neptune Posters.
Workshops must be booked in advance. £5.00 per
child, there are limited places.
To book email your
contact details and how many places you require to: mf.geddes@yahoo.com. or telephone 07813 808437.
Sea Babies Photographic Competition
Ages 0 – 12 months Free Entry
Sea Babies competition where the cutest baby
voted for will be crowned Sea Baby of the year 2013
and receive a FREE 10 x 8 photograph. It is free to
enter and you will be able to buy prints of your baby
from £5. Professional photographers will be on hand
supplying props and costumes. You don’t need to
bring anything but your baby.
3pm onwards
Mermaid, Neptune and Sea Creatures
Children’s Fancy Dress Parade £1.00 entry Fee. Two Classes under 7 & over 7years.
Prizes donated by Blue Reef Aquarium Hastings.
Judging by Hastings Old Town Carnival Court
For more information contact:
mf.geddes@yahoo.com or tel. 0781 380 8437
High Street Traders event see Hastings Old Town
Traders facebook page
2pm to 5pm
Open Garden At Strawberry Cottage, 36 Tackleway.
Visit this beautiful secluded garden courtesy of Don
Brant. Donations for OHPS. Not accessible for
wheelchairs as 3 steps down into the garden.
Afternoon Tea by 2nd Hastings old Town
All Saints Hall, All Saints Street.
Cream tea will include scones, fresh cream, jam and
tea /coffee with free refill. All for £3 (includes
donation to OHPS). Wheelchair accessible.
Original Old Hastings Preservation Society
Old Town Walk
Meet at 2.30pm at the top station of West Hill Lift. 
Stade Guided Walk
Meet at the lifeboat house 
3pm (earlier performance at 11.30 am)
“Punch and Judy at Home”
Half Sovereign Cottage, Rock a Nore. A real, live
Punch & Judy show! No marionettes, no puppets,
but PEOPLE. Collection for Fishermen’s Museum
and OHPS.
Exploring the Lost Roads of the Old Town
Meet at Hastings History House. 
Hidden Hastings Revealed Walk
Meet at the Chessboard, Butlers Gap, George
Twilight Smugglers Walk
Meet at the Shipwreck Museum, Rock a Nore. 
Electric Palace
High Street
The Spirit of 45
After Dark Ghost Walk
Meet at St Clements Church steps opposite Swan
Gardens, High Street. 
Saturday 10th August
10am to 12.30
Open Day and Parish Gift Day
St Clements Church. Come and meet the Rector
and Churchwardens. Enjoy coffee, tea and cakes
and this newly restored historic building. Wheelchair
access by the west door.
10am to 5pm
Of finds from St Helens Church, Old Town Hall
Museum, High Street. 
Stade Guided Walk
Meet at Lifeboat House. 
Hidden Hastings Revealed Walk
Meet Chessboard, Butlers Gap, George Street. 
11am to 4pm
Exhibitions at Hastings History House, 21
Courthouse Street.
Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve a display
by Friends of Hastings Country Park and “Some Old
Town Twittens” featuring photos by Alan Harding
and OHPS. Hastings Area Archaeological Research
Group ‘Archaeological Evidence for land use in
Hastings Country Park’ 
11am to 5pm
Have a go on the Potters Wheel.
Old Hastings Pottery, 3 Courthouse Street.
11am to 5pm
135 Renovation Project – Living History
Here’s another rare chance to see 135 All Saints
Street, a16th century merchant’s house and one of
the most complete Tudor houses in the Old Town.
As previous visitors will know, it has undergone a
unique and extensive renovation programme from
2006-2011. The owner, Alastair Hendy, has taken it
back to how it may have looked when first built,
carrying out major structural repairs throughout,
sympathetically restoring every surface and internal
fixture - yet keeping the evolution of the house
intact. This is an opportunity to experience first hand
this magical time capsule lit by candle light, and to
pick up a few tips on sensitive restoration and some
quirky interior design solutions. Carnival Week 2012
saw hundreds visit over one weekend, and for those
who came before, please do come back, for now you
can read all about the house’s history, how it was
before, and the extraordinary changes it has seen.
Come and see – you’ll be amazed.
Old Town Mortuary
The house has some secrets of its own, for up until
the 1950s the rear wing was used as an undertaker’s
workshop, cadavers being stored in the adjoining
cellar room. Two elderly Hastings fisherman have
recently recounted their memories about when as
boys they would come to The Wilderness (as the
area behind upper All Saints Street was known then)
and peer through the back windows of the house to
spot the bodies laid out, then run away. Entry: £3 per
adult, £1 per child (under 18) Donation to OHPS.
Twittens and Cat Creeps Walk 
Original Old Hastings Preservation Society
Old Town Walk
Meet at 2.30pm at the top station of West Hill Lift. 
Foyle’s Walk
Meet at Shipwreck Museum, Rock a Nore. 
Hastings History House Grand Raflle Draw
Tickets are on sale to raise money towards the
installation of a lift. Tickets £1 each, with a cash prize
of £50 and tickets for the London Eye. The Winner
will be drawn at 4pm today - don’t miss your chance
to win.
Mass at St Mary Star of the Sea
Father Seamus and the congregation welcome you
to Mass in the beautiful St Mary Star of the Sea
Church. High Street.
5 pm
Hastings Old Town Carnival Procession
Grand Carnival Procession
From Rock-a-Nore Car Park
The parade assembly is in Rock-a Nore Road from
Carnival Entry Forms are available from:
Cobblers to the Old Town, High Street, Penbuckles,
High Street, Hastings Information Centre and
Hastings History House or can be downloaded here (pdf) or here (word)
Entry Classes for Procession
A. Motor Vehicles –families and mixed ages
B. Motor Vehicles – pubs and clubs
C. Visiting Carnival Courts
D. Disability vehicles
F. Motor Vehicles –charitable organisations and associations
G. Pedestrian (mostly younger people)
H. Pedestrian (mostly older people)
K. Commercial and late entries (NOT JUDGED)
P. Prams and other non-motorised vehicles.
Entry forms
must be returned by Friday 9th August by post to:
Nadine Salmon 8 Oakfield Road, Hastings TN35
or by email to: nadine.salmon@yahoo.co.uk
delivered by hand to Cobblers to the Old Town,
High Street.
1.30pm: assembly at Rock-a-Nore Car Park
2.45pm: deadline for registration
3pm: judging starts [arrivals after 3pm must
register but will not be judged and could
join the procession]
5pm Parade starts at Rock-Nore Road
Dusk Fireworks from the Castle
Some roads in the Old Town will be closed for the Pram Race and Carnival Procession more >>
Sunday 11th August 2013
Pirates and Wreckers Walk
Meet St Clements Steps. 
11am to 4pm
Exhibitions at Hastings History House,
21 Courthouse Street.
Hastings Country Park Nature Reserve a display
by Friends of Hastings Country Park and “Some Old
Town Twittens” featuring photos by Alan Harding
and OHPS. Hastings Area Archaeological Research
Group ‘Archaeological Evidence for land use in
Hastings Country Park’ 
11am to 5pm
Open Garden The Beacon 67-68 St Mary’s Terrace, in the Old
Town Conservation Area.
An Acre of Garden, truly a ‘work in progress’; relax
on the lawn, try our Mexican inspired street food
cooked outdoors, coffee, lunch and cream teas,
browse the plant stall, listen to occasional live
music, view the art exhibition. Entry £2 in aid of
OHPS and the arts programme at the Beacon. Some
of the garden is wheelchair accessible, but to a fairly
basic standard. Please phone for information 01424
431305. or www.thebeaconhastings.wordpress.com
There is limited parking down the track from near
West Hill Playground or by foot down the steps
opposite 12 St Mary’s Terrace.
11am to 5pm
135 Renovation Project – Living
Here’s another rare chance to see 135 All Saints
Street, a 16th century merchant’s house and one of
the most complete Tudor houses in the Old Town.
(See details under Saturday 10 August)
Entry: £3 per adult, £1 per child (under 18).
11am to 5pm
Have a go on the Potters Wheel
Old Hastings Pottery, 3 Courthouse Street.
12 noon to 5pm
Of finds from St Helens Church, Old Town Hall
12 noon to 2pm
Happy Harold Haul Bus Pull on the Stade near Lifeboat
Happy Harold Trolley Bus pull in aid of The Prostate
Cancer Charity.
Teams of 6men or 8 women. Cups for the fastest
time pulling Happy Harold Trolley Bus.
For more information contact Mick Barrow on 01424

Foyle’s Walk Meet at Shipwreck Museum, Rock a Nore. 
Stade Guided Walk Meet at Lifeboat House. 
2pm – 5pm
Open Garden Elm Lodge, 60 Old London Road.
Open Garden courtesy of Gwen and Michael
Blandy. Two acres of winding paths leading to a
wooded area ascending the West Hill with views to
the East Hill. Lawned area with herbaceous border
and pond, containing koi carp and golden orfe. This
is a garden still being developed. Entrance £1,
children free. Pimms or juice £1 donation. Some
garden seats available. Not ccessible for
Hidden Hastings Revealed Walk
Meet Chessboard, Butlers Gap, George Street. 
3pm to 6pm
Music - The Moors at the Stag
The Stag Inn, All Saints Street
Local band the Moors are back in their regular spot
on the last Sunday of Old Town Week
playing their eclectic mix of Eastern European,
Gypsy, Blues and more.
3pm to 8pm
Annual World Loggets Championship
The Stag Inn, All Saints Street
The revived ancient game of Loggets is once again
taking place in the top garden of the Stag Inn.
It’s not quite boule, more like playing bowls on long
grass with potato shaped wooden balls and some
odd rules.
Twittens and Cat Creeps Walk
Meet at Shipwreck Museum, Rock a Nore. 
Songs of Praise
You are invited to join in singing “Songs of Praise”
in St Clements Church.
7.30 pm
The Hastings Horror Walk
Meet at St Clements Church steps opposite Swan
Gardens, High Street.
8.00 pm
Electric Palace
High Street
Summer Music Season - Neil Young: Journeys