Centre Newsletter � EDITION FOUR , March 2001.
News from Mugsborough
Winner of the signed copy of Ragged Trousered
The 2001 Robert Tressell Festival. 26th
� 28th May 2001.
Goodnight and Farewell. click
Welcome to the latest edition of the Newsletter. Apologies for the large gap between this and the previous edition � life has been a bit hectic for your sweaty browed correspondent in recent months I have to report. We have not however been resting; plans are well underway for the 2001 event, of which more later.
Unfortunately, we received the sad news in October of the death of Joan Johnson. Joan was Noonan�s granddaughter and his only direct descendant. She died on 8th October in East Grinstead leaving her husband, Reg. Our thoughts are with him at this sad time.
My appeal for contributions to the Newsletter did not fall on deaf ears! As you will read later, we have had a fascinating contribution from Ken Ellis about his experience of meeting the RTP Manuscript �face to face�. Please be inspired by Ken�s article and send me your own contributions. As I said in the last edition, the sound of my own prose is driving me mad � we would love to hear your experiences of how Tressell and RTP influenced your life or suggestions for future events.
The lucky winner of the copy of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists signed by the 1997 Cabinet was Pamela Mills. The raffle was drawn at the end of September and her prize was sent on to her as she is not local to Hastings. The final amount raised by the raffle was a stunning �434, we hope to put this towards more educational work. We did receive some criticism for raffling the book, but as we have tried to make clear in the past we receive no statutory funding and are entirely reliant upon donations and union sponsorship. We ask for no membership fees and the Newsletter is distributed free of charge and this generous gift has allowed us to raise some much needed funds to introduce Tressell and his work to a whole new generation of readers.
We have also been offerred a copy of the book signed by the General Council of the TUC which we hope to be raffling in the next few months. If you do not wish to be sent any tickets please let us know.
2001 Robert Tressell Festival. 26th � 28th May 2001.
Thanks to the generous support of Southern Region of the GMB � in particular, Derek Hunter, the Regional Secretary, the annual Festival now seems secure. The GMB have given us the financial support which will allow us to go ahead and book venues and so forth without the worry of whether we were actually going to meet our costs. The Festival has been so popular up until now it is reassuring to know that we will be able to continue in years ahead � we can now indulge ourselves with some forward planning!
For those of you who have attended the Festival before, you will either be delighted or horrified to know that we have a different venue this year. In previous years we have used the Bourne Arts Centre in Hastings Old Town, this had the advantage of being right in the middle of the Old Town but it also had a number of distinct disadvantages, particularly the lack of parking and public transport links. It can also be described as a bit rough and ready � a feature, which many visitors felt was appropriate to the event and its subject. Equally though, as many felt that the chill breeze running through the hall and the slightly �eccentric� toilets were a little more than they could bear. We have moved therefore to the Sussex Room of the White Rock Pavilion. For those of you who know the White Rock ,it is the room downstairs where the tapestry used to live. For those of you not familiar with the area, the White Rock is the town�s theatre, built on the site of the old Sanatorium. It is in the St Leonards end of town, right opposite the pier and has its own restaurant and bar (it�s a lot warmer as well!). We have timed
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