Awarded 23rd Jan 2015
This is a trophy presentation to an individual, association, group, force, or organisation who you feel have particularly contributed to Hastings Week 2015. The Bowskill Trophy Awards 2015 were presented by Hastings' Mayor, Councillor Bruce Dowlingand Hastings Week Vice Chair Ion Castro. |
The Bowskill Trophy is presented annually in memory of Cyril Bowskill who, with his wife Joan was a great supporter of Hastings Week, from majority vote based on public nominations it is awarded to the person, group or organisation who has done most to promote the prestige of the week. Hastings Week is actually more than a week of events, including as it does both weekends either side of October 14, the anniversary of the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and has grown from the single Hastings Day celebrated on October 14th. Chairman Nigel Hogben was unwell so vice-chairman Ion Castro deputised. |
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