Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group
Registered Charity No.294989
- January 2008
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE NOW DUE: Please return the form to Kevin Cornwell, or payment can be made at any of our morning or evening meetings. If you wish to pay at the AGM, to save time please ensure you bring the form, and pay by cheque rather than cash. For the seventh year there is no increase (though donations are always welcome!), but you will see from the Agenda for the AGM that it will be proposed to raise the amount in 2009, to cover increased insurance costs and meeting room expenses.
THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held, as announced in the September Newsletter, on the customary date of the final Wednesday in February - 27th - in our new HQ at Hastings History House in Courthouse Street . Agenda, reports and accounts are enclosed; please bring them if attending.
THE SECOND JOURNAL UNDER THE 2007 SUBSCRIPTION is now available for all except recently joined members, whose subscription begins with the next Summer issue. Anyone wishing to buy copies of this or any past issues can obtain them at the members' price of £2.
PUBLICATION AVAILABLE: new members may like to be reminded that our book "The Archaeology and History of Hastings Country Park " published in 2004 is still available at the History House or from the Editor; cover price £4.50, members' price £3. Buy another copy and give it to a friend!
MEETINGS: we meet at the History House every Wednesday morning from 10.30 to 12.00. Coffee and biscuits are available - a minimum donation of 50p is asked, to cover running costs, and there is access to the HAARG library and maps.
At present the ground floor is also opened to the public by OHPS every Thursday morning from 10.30 to 1.0pm.
Evening meetings organised by the Field Officers are held on the second Wednesday in the month, from 7.30-9.30pm:
February 13 : Talk on "Blue Frit" (Roman wall plaster pigment): Rediscovering Ancient Technologies in the 21st Century, by Sue Clegg.
March 12 : Finds processing and analysis evening.
April 9 : Talk "Recent excavation of a major Romano-British roadside settlement at Arlington , and its wider landscape"; by Gregory Chuter, Assistant County Archaeologist.
May 14 : Finds processing and analysis evening.
June 11 : Talk "The Archaeology of Windmills", by Lawrence Stevens.
BUILDING WORK AT THE HISTORY HOUSE : in the near future work will begin on ceiling insulation and a new staircase. It may be necessary on some occasions to transfer meetings to another location. If you are not regularly in touch, please check with one of the officers before travelling any distance.
FIELD WORK: Field walking, surveying, resistivity ongoing at present. On arrival of the magnetometer, there will be training and trial sessions prior to recording work.
The fieldwork notices will be issued by e-mail. If you have an e-mail address but do not receive any messages please send us an e-mail so that we can pick up your details.
Anyone that does not have e-mail facilities but is interested in the fieldwork, please phone the Field Officers to express your interest.
JOHN CLEMENTS, 1941-2007 : we record with regret the death on 22 October of John Clements, who joined HAARG in about 1980 and was very active until increasing ill-health made him house-bound in recent years. In his earlier days John had served in the Army as a radiographer, and his knowledge of anatomy caused him to specialise in the identification of bones, which extended into the history of farming when he studied for the Diploma in Archaeology at the University of Kent . He was the author of numerous bone reports in our publications.
John's sister arranged for all of his books and records on archaeology to be donated to HAARG and these are currently being sorted in the HQ, and are already proving useful.
MRS. DOROTHY MARTIN MBE : Anne Scott writes - it is with regret that we learn of the passing of Dorothy Martin, one of the first members of HAARG and a mainstay of Robertsbridge & District Archaeological Society which she founded with her son David. HAARG received great encouragement and help from RADAS in the early years and David Martin directed the excavation on Hastings Priory site at which we assisted, and published the report on our behalf. Many of us will remember Dorothy with affection and appreciation, and we send condolences to David, Barbara and John.