HAARG Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group  
Registered Charity No.294989


Top of page ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS WERE DUE IN JANUARY, and a large proportion of members have already paid. For those who have not, a further renewal form is enclosed which please return to the Treasurer as soon as possible. The Summer "Journal" will only be sent to paid-up members. The rate is unchanged at £8 for ordinary membership, or £9 for one household or family where only one copy of each publication is required. For those who are retired, or full-time students, the individual rate is reduced to £7.

Top of page EXCAVATIONS AT GLOSSAMS PLACE, BECKLEY: will resume from Saturday 8 May to Sunday 16 May, and again from Saturday 18 September to Sunday 26 September. All those who have taken part in recent years will have been sent the usual notice and booking form; anyone else who would like to join in should contact Mike Greenhalgh. We open the gate for cars between 0945 and 10.00 each morning, otherwise there is a ten-minute walk to the site, marked by HAARG signs at junctions - keep straight ahead, ignoring turnings to right and left.

Top of page AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF HAARG on 25 February 2004, all officers were re-elected en bloc. We are still in urgent need of additional support for the officers, and anyone interested in the future of HAARG is invited to contact the Chairman.

Top of page MEETING ROOM AND STORAGE ACCOMMODATION: We are at present holding our weekly meetings in the office of the Old Hastings Preservation Society at 61 All Saints Street. Both societies are under notice to vacate the premises by the end of February next year. Apart from social contact between active members, we need accommodation for our filing cabinets and reference library, also our tools and equipment and large quantities of boxes of finds. Some of the latter are in a shed in the rear yard which will have to be removed, others are stored - with some inconvenience - by the officers at their homes. Formerly we were provided with rent-free accommodation by the County Education Authority, but they have no premises available. Our income will not cover a commercial rent, and we feel sure that a majority of members would not support a doubling - or more - of subscriptions. Any member who can suggest or offer alternative premises for any of the purposes outlined is asked to contact the officers.

Top of page HAARG JOURNAL: the future of this was discussed recently by your committee. The present "New Series" was begun in 1995 and your present Editor took over production with No.3. We are now planning No.17, but the backlog of unpublished reports has largely been cleared and apart from Beckley there has been little activity to report in the Hastings area last year. Readers will be aware that there is an increasing trend towards research and historical articles, but we need a proportion of "real" archaeology. One suggestion is that we widen the scope of contents beyond the immediate Hastings area, to report discoveries in other parts of East Sussex; the archaeology of our district, which has always been apart from the Downs and their hinterland, is so different. A lot is happening there, and some of this activity is being carried out by HAARG members working with other site directors. Readers' comments are invited, also offers of contributions from anyone who is active in archaeology or research. Assistance can be given in report writing when needed.

Top of page WEEKLY INFORMAL MEETINGS OF HAARG MEMBERS: for the time being, these continue on Wednesday mornings from 10.30 to 12.00 at 61 All Saints Street, Hastings. The evening sessions on the first Wednesday each month have been suspended, as no-one other than the officers has attended for some time. In addition to our library, many periodicals are available for reading and can be borrowed by arrangement. They include:
Sussex Archae. Collections (annually);
SAS "Past & Present" newsletter;
British Archaeology;
Current Archaeology;
CBA South-East Newsletter;
Independent Archaeology;
Romney Marsh Research Trust publications;
Kent Archae. Review;
Wealden Iron Research Group Newsletter;

and newsletters of other societies in the area which we exchange regularly for our own Journal -
Eastbourne Natural History & Archae. Society,
Lewes Archae. Group,
Brighton & Hove Archae. Society,
Rye Local History Group,
Islington Archae. & History Group - the last-named being edited by Peter Fuller, who was formerly HAARG Secretary.

Additionally, we receive copies of all weekly Planning Applications from Hastings Borough and Rother District, which are discussed by those interested; representations are made in cases where we believe archaeological evidence will be disturbed, which often result in Watching Briefs.

Top of page THERE WILL BE NO MEETING ON WED. 12 MAY as most members will be at the Beckley site that day. Why not pay us a visit there instead?

Top of page THE FINDS LIAISON OFFICER FOR SUSSEX, Liz Wilson, will be at Hastings Museum again on Friday 7 May from 2.0-4.0pm and will be pleased to identify and record any finds. For subsequent dates please enquire at the Museum.
WINCHELSEA SURVEY: in the Field Officer's annual report under the heading of "Publications" it was mentioned that "the Winchelsea Survey by David Martin has now been completed, and HAARG has a copy". We have been asked to explain that what we have received is only an unpublished preliminary report, made available for reference through the County Council, and David Martin is still actively working on an even more comprehensive two-volume report on all archaeological activities carried out in Winchelsea prior to the year 2000. It is intended that this will be published, under the sponsorship of National Trust, and copies placed on sale at some future date.

Top of page THE SUSSEX ARCHAEOLOGY SYMPOSIUM at the University of Sussex on 13 March was highly successful, with a "full house" of 230 students among whom at least 15 members of HAARG were noted. The Sussex Archae. Society is now planning their Autumn Conference at the same venue on Saturday 11 September, on the theme of "Saxon Sussex: Six Centuries" and further details are expected shortly. HAARG is affiliated to the Society.

Top of page THE CENTRE FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION is offering courses at the new University Centre, Hastings in Havelock Road during the Summer term. Fees for each are £56.50 (concession £19 for those on benefit etc.). Enrol at Sussex University. Brochures are available from HAARG.
Frontline Sussex - the archaeology of the defence of Sussex from prehistory to the present day (6.30-8.30pm) commencing on Monday 19 April for ten weeks. Tutor is Chris Butler.
The archaeology of animals on four Saturdays (10.00 to 4.00) at intervals from 24 April; tutor is Richard Carter.
Nineteenth century Sussex history - an introduction on Wednesdays (7.0-9.0pm) from 21 April; tutor is Andre Palfrey-Martin.
During next winter, Certificate courses are also being held at the Hastings Centre. Courses will include: (AUTUMN)Archaeological Survey, Tuesdays, 70.9.0pm; (SPRING) Industrial Archaeology, Thursdays Fees are £230 per term.
AN OPEN LECTURE is being planned by the CCE for Saturday 20 November at the University, in the form of a symposium on The Sussex Ouse Research Project. Further details will be available later.

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