* * 1066.net's 35,000 images and 5000+ pages created and curated over 20 years remain open and largely unchanged as a tribute to its webmaster Ion Castro, who passed away Aug 30th 2018 from cancer. Linking to content is fine but PLEASE get permission if you want to re use anything from here, and thank you. * Ion's obituaries are (Link:) Here
Hastings' Alexandra Park

Alexandra park

Alexandra Park

Alexandr Park
The Park in the Past
The Opening of Alexandra Park
in 1882
The re-opening of Alexandra Park in 2004
Alexandra Park in the snow
"The Greenhouse"
Click for Guest Book

Alexandra Park, Hastings
ref:0076. Entente Cordiale Fetes. Hastings 1906 (8) in Alexandra Park. Judge-Photo.
Alexandra park, Hastingsref: 0181 "Alexandra Park Hastings" 90.
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0188 "Alexandra Park Hastings" No. 28
posted 28/4/1908
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0239 "Alexandra Park Hastings"
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref:0231 "Alexandra Park Hastings at Xmas"
posted 27/12/1907
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0777 "Alexandra Park Avenue covered with snow Hastings" 12748 posted 24/12/1904
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0241 "Alexandra Park Hastings"
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0243 "Alexandra Park Hastings" posted in 1924
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0254 "200 In Alexandra Park Hastings - Judges' Ltd " posted 26 Oct 1925
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0263 ""Alexandra Park, Hastings"
posted 30 Dec 1915
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref:0292 "Alexandra Park Hastings"
posted SP 25 1906
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0296 "Alexandra Park Hastings"
posted SEP 19 1907
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0316 "Band Pavilion Alexandra Park, Hastings"
posted 20 Jne 1930
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0317 "Hastings - Alexandra Park from Main Entrance" posted 19 Aug 1930
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0369 "Alexandra Park, Hastings" Valentine's Series
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0418 "Alexandra Park, Hastings"
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0449 "Alexandra Park, Hastings"
posted 26 MCH 1964
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0453 "199 In Alexandra Park, Hastings - Judges Ltd"
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0515 "Alexandra Park, Hastings" Joshua Smith's series. posted OC 8 1904
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0554 "Drumhead Service Hastings May 26th 1907" posted JU 1 1907
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0667 "Alexandra Park, Hastings" 104. Percy Pratt Tunbridge Wells
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0685 "The Bandstand Alexandra Park, Hastings"
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0707 "Alexandra Park, Hastings No 19"
posted AU 21 1907
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0736 "Alexandra Park Hastings 4865"
posted DE 29 1903
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0743 "Concerts, Alexandra Park, Hastings 55165" written 14.9.1910 Valentine's Series
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0761 "The Park, Hastings" posted DE 28 1910
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0852 "Alexandra Park, Hastings" The B&S Series
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0882 "Hastings The Park" posted SP 18 1905 Peacock Brand "Autochrom"
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0898 "At Hastings, Alexandra Park & Blacklands Church" Judges' posted NO 24 1910
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0950 "98 Hastings Alexandra Park - LL"
posted AP 18 1908
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0976 "Entrance to Alexandra Park, Hastings. St Helens Road & In Alexandra Park No 4"
posted OC 31 1906
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0991 "Alexandra Park, Hastings"
posted 30 Aug 1957
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1010 "Alexandra Park, Hastings" 77
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1023 "Alexandra Park, Hastings"
posted 24 SP 1916
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1037 "Old Roar Gill, Hastings 20" Norman series posted 6 May 1944
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1077 "The Park, Hastings" Empire Series 'Photorettes'
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1091 "Alexandra Park, Hastings" Valentine's Series 55172
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1109 "Alexandra Park, Hastings 1010"
posted 3 mch 1967 C Richie publishers
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1134 "297 In Alexandra Park, Hastings" Judges
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1220 "In Alexandra Park, Hastings 16 "
posted SP 21 1918
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1227 "Alexandra Park, Upper Lake Hastings"
S H Smith, Castle Library Hastings
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1228 "Winter, Alexandra Park, Hastings"
posted DE 22 1907
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1230 "470 War Memorial, Hastings - Judges' Ltd" posted 1 SP 1926
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1863 "War Memorial, Alexandra Park, Hastings No 1" posted 6 SEP 1925. Shoesmith & Etheridge
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1232 "Drumhead Service. Alexandra Park, May 1 07 No. 3" posted JU 1 1907
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1241 "The Boating Lake, Alexandra Park, Hastings PT 3305" posted 21 JLY 1969
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1369 " Park, Hastings"
posted SP 22 1908
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1521 "27828 Alexandra Park, Hastings Judges' Ltd"
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1734 "Alexandra ParkTennis Courts, Hastings 605" posted 21 JUN 1925
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1762 "Alexandra Park, Hastings" Valentine's Series
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 1942 "Alexandra Park, Hastings"
posted 17 Aug 1920
Alexandra park, Hastings
ref: 0908 "201 Alexandra Park, Hastings" photo by Judges posted DE 8 1910

Link to postcard site

Reproduction postcards, greetings cards & ephemora for sale

More info? -www.1066.net/alexandra-park

Historic HastingsClick for Braybrooke Road Guest Book

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www.1066.net - Hastings' favourite web site is sponsored by XL(2000)Ltd
Photos copyright (c) Ion Castro 2014

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