Monday 4th March 2002 saw the annual Presentation Evening when money collected
during Carnival Week is distributed amongst local charities. Cheques went to:-
2nd Hastings Old Town Brownies
2nd Hastings Guides
304 Squadron Air Training Corps
7th Hastings Scout Group
Alzheimer's Association
British Red Cross (Hastings)
Broomgrove Junior Youth Club
Citizens Advice Bureau
Coast Guard Association
Crest Play Group
Fire Services Benevolent Fund
Guardianship Club
Hastings Association for the Blind
Hastings & Bexhill Mencap
Hastings Bexhill & Rye Victim Support
Hastings & St. Leonards Lifeguards
Hastings Lifeline
Hastings MacMillan Nurses
Hastings Trolley Bus Restoration Group
Hastings Winkle Club (Old Peoples' Parcels)
Huntingdon's Disease Association
Isobel Blackman Centre
Kipling Unit, Conquest Hospital
Link Hands
Royal British Legion (Poppy Appeal)
R.N.L.I. Hastings
St. John's Ambulance
St. Michael's Hospice
Shipwreck Heritage Association
Special Baby Care Unit (Conquest Hospital)
Stroke Association
Surviving Christmas
Tree of Hope
Trefoil Guild
Two Towers Trust

Carnival Queen Sophie Foster (left) with Princess, Lucie Hide

Carnival Chairman Ken Taylor introduces the proceedings

MC Charlie Sharrod, Lifeboat Cox'n with Hastings' Mayor, Jackie Dowling
and the Carnival Court.

The Carnival court with the Hastings
Trolleybus Crew